Flowers and Black Circle, 2000, 180 x 215 cm, oil on canvas
No title, 2001, 180 x 240 cm, oil on canvas
Afterbefore, 2000, 180 x 235 cm, oil on canvas
We still hear our mother calling the names aloud never recalling the mission, 2000, 210 x 135 cm, oil on canvas
We forget everything in a different way remember nothing in another world, 2000, 210 x 135 cm, oil on canvas
In the shade of a wound the mouth heals up so the snow disappears with the rain pricking holes in the wind while the second word breaks through on the fifth day the heat slices the head of the tulips and with this opening they shall die, 2000, 180 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
They disappear during the night and it will cost you the white of the eye to follow the evolution next morning you remember nothing from the procession but flowing red with a black gulf like heaven for a moment only the name is a little stable object, 2000, 180 x 80 cm, oil on canvas
You ask for blindness and so the whiteness of everything shows through the ground gathering in bouquets but still the bull is bleeding for you only girl much later here in Sevilla under the sun without mercy, 2000, 180 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
Flowers and circles II, 2000, 180 x 180 cm, oil on canvas
Flowers and circles I, 1999, 180 x 180 cm, oil on canvas